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Singaraja, Willys Jakarta Bali Jakarta Overland 2019 (Photo by Albert Ibrahim) |
Sahabat saya "Albert Ibrahim" memberikan video-videonya yang berisikan tentang kecintaannya terhadap Jeep Willys kendaraan eks Perang Dunia ke-2. Nama Albert Ibrahim tentu bukan nama yang asing ditelinga para penggemar mobil clasic di Indonesia. Albert bukan saja sebagai pecinta, pengoleksi dari Jeep Willys ini, melainkan juga sebagai pendiri dari Willys Owner Indonesia (WOI) sebuah komunitas yang didirikan bersama sahabat saya lainnya yakni "Andarmuji Aan" pada 8 Oktober 2017. Sebelumnya sebuah inisiasi komunitas bernama JAJ (Jakarta American Jeep Comp CODOT Comunity) namun akhirnya WOI berhasil menjadi wadah dimana para penggila kendaraan eks Perang Dunia ke-2 ini berkumpul dan melakukan berbagai kegiatannya terutama di seluruh Indonesia. Berikut adalah aktifitas terbaru dan tergila yang dilakukan oleh Albert sebagai wujud kecintaannya terhadap Jeep Willys adalah melakukan perjalanan dari Garasinya menyusuri indahnya jalanan Pulau Jawa sampai ke Pulau Dewata. Jalan-jalan dengan mobil kesayangan adalah sesuatu yang menyenangkan. Albert menyebutnya sedang "manesin mesin". Yuk simak video perjalanan Albert !
My friend "Albert Ibrahim" gave his videos which contained about his love on Willys Jeep, vehicle of the former World War II. The name Albert Ibrahim is certainly not a strange name in the ears of classic car enthusiasts in Indonesia. Albert is not only a lover, or collector of the Willys Jeep, but also a founder of Willys Owner Indonesia (WOI) a community which founded also with my other best friend "Andarmuji Aan" on October 8, 2017. Previously a community initiation called JAJ (Jakarta American Jeep Comp CODOT Comunity) but finally WOI managed to become a space where the enthusiasts of the former World War 2 vehicles gathered and carried out various activities, especially throughout Indonesia. The following is the latest and most crazy activity carried out by Albert as a manifestation of his love for Willys Jeep is to travel from his garage along the beautiful streets of Java to the Island of Gods. Traveling with your favorite car is something fun. Albert called it a "machining machine". Come see the video of Albert's trip!
Jeep Willys sendiri
dikembangkan oleh American Bantam Car Company of Butler dan di uji coba oleh AD
Amerika di Camp Holabird, Baltimore pada 23 September 1940. Jeep Willys banyak
digemari karena legendanya yang begitu melekat pada Perang Dunia ke-2, sehingga
banyak sekali dari kalangan tertentu yang menjadikannya barang koleksi karena
nilai sejarahnya. (Sumber : Otomotif1com)
Willys was developed by the American Bantam Car Company of Butler and tested by the American Army at Holabird Camp, Baltimore on September 23, 1940. Willys is much in demand now because of its inherent legend in World War 2, so many of certain circles which makes it a collectible item because of its historical value. (Source: Otomotif1com)
Willys was developed by the American Bantam Car Company of Butler and tested by the American Army at Holabird Camp, Baltimore on September 23, 1940. Willys is much in demand now because of its inherent legend in World War 2, so many of certain circles which makes it a collectible item because of its historical value. (Source: Otomotif1com)
Kecintaannya pada Jeep Willys membuat Albert terus mengisi
hidupnya untuk menggeluti dunia otomotif dan menjadi seorang ahli dalam
restorasi Mobil-mobil klasik. Hasil garapan terhadap mobil willys sebagai mobil
pilihannya adalah dengan melakukan perjalanan seorang diri dari Jakarta ke Bali
dan kembali ke Jakarta yang ditempuh beberapa hari. Tentunya sebuah pembuktian
nyata bahwa Jeep Willys kesayangannya yang dibuat tahun 1944 mampu menempuh
perjalanan sejauh 1680 milles atau kurang lebih sekitar 3000 km.
His love on Willys Jeep then pushed Albert to continue his life to wrestle on the automotive world and become an expert in the restoration of classic cars. The result of the work on Willys cars as his chosen car was to travel alone from Jakarta to Bali and return to Jakarta which was taken several days. Surely a clear proof that his favorite 1944 Willys is able to travel as far as 1680 milles or approximately 3000 km.
His love on Willys Jeep then pushed Albert to continue his life to wrestle on the automotive world and become an expert in the restoration of classic cars. The result of the work on Willys cars as his chosen car was to travel alone from Jakarta to Bali and return to Jakarta which was taken several days. Surely a clear proof that his favorite 1944 Willys is able to travel as far as 1680 milles or approximately 3000 km.
Albert memulai petualangannya dari Jakarta menyusuri jalan menuju
Salatiga, kemudian menuju Madiun, Mojokerto dan Sidoarjo.
Masuk ke hari ketiga, Albert mulai masuk Kota Surabaya, Pasuruan dan
beristirahat di Situbondo sebelum melanjutkan perjalanannya kembali. Ada beragam masalah dihadapi namun dapat diselesaikan dengan baik dan inilah skill yang ia miliki sehingga halangan dan rintangan terutama masalah kondisi mesin bukan menjadi halangan yang berarti. Perjalanan sahabat saya ini telah berhasil menunjukan bahwa kemajuan
pembangunan jalan telah dilakukan dan inilah saatnya seluruh masyarakat
Indonesia dan semua masyarakat dunia bisa menikmatinya. Namun semakin
maju maka semakin macet jalan raya yang ada.
Albert began his adventure from Jakarta along the road to Salatiga, then headed to Madiun, Mojokerto and Sidoarjo. The third day, Albert began entering Surabaya City, Pasuruan and rested in Situbondo before continuing his journey back. There are various problems faced but can be solved well and this is the skill he has so that obstacles, especially the problem of car conditions, are not a significant obstacle. The journey of my best friend has succeeded in showing that the progress of road construction has been carried out and now is the time for all Indonesian people and all people of the world to enjoy it. But the more advanced the more traffic jams will be.
Albert began his adventure from Jakarta along the road to Salatiga, then headed to Madiun, Mojokerto and Sidoarjo. The third day, Albert began entering Surabaya City, Pasuruan and rested in Situbondo before continuing his journey back. There are various problems faced but can be solved well and this is the skill he has so that obstacles, especially the problem of car conditions, are not a significant obstacle. The journey of my best friend has succeeded in showing that the progress of road construction has been carried out and now is the time for all Indonesian people and all people of the world to enjoy it. But the more advanced the more traffic jams will be.
“Bantinglah otak untuk mencari ilmu sebanyak-banyaknya guna mencari rahasia besar yang terkandung di dalam benda besar yang bernama dunia ini, tetapi pasanglah pelita dalam hati sanubari, yaitu pelita kehidupan jiwa.” ( Al- Ghazali )"
"Bring down the brain to seek knowledge as much as possible in search of the great secrets contained in large objects called the world, but put a light in the heart, as a lamp of the life in the soul." (Al-Ghazali) "
Part 4 (Click Here)
Article by Ketut Rudi
Go " Albert Ibrahim" Keeps Inspiring All People Through Your Willys and Comunity
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