Indonesia memiliki banyak pulau baik yang berukuran besar atau kecil. Pulau Timor adalah salah satu Pulau yang berada di provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur dan masih banyak tempat indah di Pulau Timor ini yang belum sempat saya kunjungi bahkan terjamah
oleh wisatawan. Artinya di Pulau Timor menyimpan banyak kekayaan yakni keindahan alamnya yang masih alami. Tentunya diperlukan pembangunan dan pengembangan jika ingin alam indah ini dikenal dunia luas minimal sebagai tempat melepas lelah bukan merusaknya. Suatu hari diakhir ujung musim hujan tahun ini, saya melakukan perjalanan ke kecamatan Mollo Selatan untuk mengisi hari libur setelah mendapatkan informasi yang cukup tentang tempat yang akan dikunjungi. Berikut photo story perjalanan saya ke Fatumnasi Mollo Selatan, sebuah daerah indah dipegunungan ditengah-tengah pulau Timor yang dingin dan berkabut.
Indonesia has so many islands, either large or small. Timor Island is one of the islands in the province of East of Nusa Tenggara and there are still many beautiful places on the island of Timor that I have not had a chance to visit even touched by tourists. This means that on the island of Timor save a lot of wealth, such as natural beauty. Of course development, coaching and founding is needed when you want this beautiful nature to be known by public at least as a place to unwind rather than damage it. One day at the end of the rainy season this year, I traveled to South of Mollo sub-district to fill my holiday after getting enough information about the place to be visited. The following is a photo story of my trip to Fatumnasi South Mollo, a beautiful mountainous region in the middle of the cold and foggy island of Timor.
Indonesia has so many islands, either large or small. Timor Island is one of the islands in the province of East of Nusa Tenggara and there are still many beautiful places on the island of Timor that I have not had a chance to visit even touched by tourists. This means that on the island of Timor save a lot of wealth, such as natural beauty. Of course development, coaching and founding is needed when you want this beautiful nature to be known by public at least as a place to unwind rather than damage it. One day at the end of the rainy season this year, I traveled to South of Mollo sub-district to fill my holiday after getting enough information about the place to be visited. The following is a photo story of my trip to Fatumnasi South Mollo, a beautiful mountainous region in the middle of the cold and foggy island of Timor.
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Melewati Hutan Lindung Anpupu (Crossing Anpupu Protected Forest) |
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Melewati Hutan Lindung Anpupu (Crossing Anpupu Protected Forest) |
Saya melewati kawasan Hutan lindung Anpupu yang luas yang mana berada di tiga kabupaten yakni kabupaten Kupang, Timor Tengah Selatan dan Timor Tengah Utara. Seperti pada ilustrasi diatas hutan berpermadani hijau yang indah. Tiap tahun diselenggarakan upacara adat untuk panen Madu yang dilakukan oleh para tetua adat, masyarakat dan pemerintah.
I passed the vast Anpupu protected forest area which is actually located in three regencies are Kupang district, Timor Tengah Selatan and Timor Tengah Utara. As in the illustration above the forest plays beautiful green. Every year a traditional ceremony for harvesting honey is carried out by traditional elders, community and government.
I passed the vast Anpupu protected forest area which is actually located in three regencies are Kupang district, Timor Tengah Selatan and Timor Tengah Utara. As in the illustration above the forest plays beautiful green. Every year a traditional ceremony for harvesting honey is carried out by traditional elders, community and government.
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Danau kecil nan indah (Beautiful little lake) |
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Danau kecil nan indah (Beautiful little lake) |
Dari Kota Soe yang merupakan ibukota dari kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan, saya beranjak menuju desa Kapan dan dari Kapan menuju Fatumnasi melewati hutan-hutan indah yang berhawa sejuk serta kadangkala diselimuti kabut tebal menurut warga akan selalu berkabut khususnya di bulan Mei sampai dengan Juni dan bersuhu dingin, namun cuaca cerah menyambut kedatangan saya dan terkagum saat berada di sebuah danau kecil yang indah. Warga setempat bahkan dari kota Kupang banyak berkunjung ke kawasan danau ini untuk melepas lelah saat weekend.
From Soe City, which is the capital of Timor Tengah Selatan district, I headed to the village name Kapan and then to Fatumnasi through beautiful forests with cool air and sometimes covered by thick fog according to residents, it will always be foggy especially in May to June and cold temperatures , but the sunny weather welcomed me and was amazed when I was on a beautiful little lake. Local residents even many from the city of Kupang visited the lake region to unwind at the weekend.
From Soe City, which is the capital of Timor Tengah Selatan district, I headed to the village name Kapan and then to Fatumnasi through beautiful forests with cool air and sometimes covered by thick fog according to residents, it will always be foggy especially in May to June and cold temperatures , but the sunny weather welcomed me and was amazed when I was on a beautiful little lake. Local residents even many from the city of Kupang visited the lake region to unwind at the weekend.
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Sapi-sapi warga |
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Gunung-gunung Batu Menjulang Tinggi Bak Candi - Candi Megah |
Akhirnya alam yang indah ini sudah ditetapkan sebagai desa wisata, Fatumnasi juga merupakan kawasan konservasi
sumber daya alam di Nusa Tenggara Timur. Banyak hal menarik yang dapat
ditemukan Fatumnasi, mulai dari hutan yang lebat, padang rumput yang
luas, bebatuan yang unik dan gagahnya puncak mutis menambah keindahan
alam dari Fatumnasi begitu pula ternak-ternak warga yang menghiasi indahnya alam di Mollo. Selain itu dijumpai beraneka ragam jenis tanaman bunga yang bisa saja dikembangkan oleh masyarakat setempat dengan menanam dan melestarikan lebih banyak lagi tanaman - tanaman hias karena cocok dengan suhu udara yang dingin. Mau tau seperti apa keindahan alamnya? datang dan buktikan sendiri.
Finally this beautiful nature has been designated as a tourist village, Fatumnasi is also a conservation area for natural resources in East of Nusa Tenggara. Many interesting things can be found at Fatumnasi, ranging from dense forests, extensive grasslands, unique and dashing rocks up to the peak of Mountaneous Mutis adding the natural beauty of Fatumnasi as well as the livestock of residents that adorn the beauty of nature in Mollo. In addition, there are various types of flower plants that can be developed by local people by planting and preserving more ornamental plants because they are suitable in cold temperatures. Interesting to know more about this natural beauty? come and prove it yourself.
Ketut Rudi
Nara Sumber : Charles Talan dan crew
Trims To Hery Susanto dan Harris dari Surabaya
Aku Ada - Cover By Ronaldo Magang
Finally this beautiful nature has been designated as a tourist village, Fatumnasi is also a conservation area for natural resources in East of Nusa Tenggara. Many interesting things can be found at Fatumnasi, ranging from dense forests, extensive grasslands, unique and dashing rocks up to the peak of Mountaneous Mutis adding the natural beauty of Fatumnasi as well as the livestock of residents that adorn the beauty of nature in Mollo. In addition, there are various types of flower plants that can be developed by local people by planting and preserving more ornamental plants because they are suitable in cold temperatures. Interesting to know more about this natural beauty? come and prove it yourself.
Ketut Rudi
Nara Sumber : Charles Talan dan crew
Trims To Hery Susanto dan Harris dari Surabaya
Aku Ada - Cover By Ronaldo Magang
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